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Low-performing public schools historically exist in Black and Brown communities. And yet one of the most concrete ways to break the cycle of poverty and change life outcomes for generations of families is access to a great education.

By advocating for equitable access to quality public school options, we can create a transformative impact on Black and Brown communities. Through our work, we aim to address systemic educational inequities and empower individuals to break the cycle of poverty, fostering economic empowerment and educational advancement.



FCCS is working to ensure marginalized families have access to quality public schools, including charter schools, regardless of their zip code. The primary pillars of our approach include:


  1. Policy: Support legislation to expand access to great charter schools led by Black and Brown leaders.

  2. Advocacy: Build power in communities to take actions that protect every student’s civil right to a great public education.  

  3. Amplification: We educate elected leaders on the priorities that matter to Black and Brown parents and that support Black and Brown-led public schools improving outcomes in our most marginalized communities.


Advocate for fair and equitable distribution of educational funding, ensuring that resources are allocated to schools in Black and Brown communities to address the historical underinvestment and provide equal opportunities for all students.

Culturally Responsive Education

Support the development and implementation of culturally responsive and inclusive curricula, recognizing the importance of incorporating diverse perspectives and histories into the educational experience of Black and Brown students.

School Choice and Accessibility

Promote policies that expand access to quality public school options, including magnet programs, charter schools, and community schools, ensuring that families have a range of choices that meet their diverse needs.

Accountability and Transparency

Push for increased accountability and transparency in public schools, ensuring that educational outcomes are regularly monitored, disparities are identified and addressed, and families have access to comprehensive information about school performance.


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